Chapter 7: Challenges in Propulsion, Navigation, and Communication for Asteroid Missions

7.1 Introduction

Asteroid missions involve unique challenges due to the remote, dynamic, and low-gravity environment of asteroids. Effective propulsion, navigation, and communication systems are crucial for the success of such missions. These systems must enable spacecraft to traverse vast interplanetary distances, maintain stability near an asteroid's surface, and transmit data reliably back to Earth despite significant time delays.

This chapter explores the critical challenges in propulsion, navigation, and communication for asteroid missions. It also discusses innovative solutions and technologies that address these challenges.

7.2 Propulsion Challenges in Asteroid Missions

7.2.1 Long-Distance Travel

  1. High Delta-V Requirements:

  2. Low-Thrust Propulsion for Efficiency:

7.2.2 Operating Near Low-Gravity Bodies

  1. Orbital Stability:

  2. Precision Maneuvering:

7.2.3 Propulsion System Longevity

  1. Durability of Propulsion Components:

  2. Energy Supply:

7.3 Navigation Challenges in Asteroid Missions

7.3.1 Autonomous Navigation

  1. Communication Delays:

  2. Dynamic and Unpredictable Environments:

7.3.2 Proximity Operations

  1. Surface Interaction:

  2. Collision Avoidance:

7.3.3 Mapping and Localization

  1. Surface Mapping:

  2. Localization:

7.4 Communication Challenges in Asteroid Missions

7.4.1 Long-Distance Data Transmission

  1. Signal Attenuation:

  2. Data Bandwidth Limitations:

7.4.2 Time Delays

  1. Operational Delays:

  2. Data Relays:

7.4.3 Communication System Reliability

  1. Radiation Interference:

  2. Energy Constraints:

7.5 Innovations and Solutions

7.5.1 Propulsion

  1. Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP):

  2. Advanced Ion Thrusters:

  3. Nuclear Thermal Propulsion (NTP):

7.5.2 Navigation

  1. Optical and LIDAR Systems:

  2. Artificial Intelligence (AI):

  3. Multi-Robot Coordination:

7.5.3 Communication

  1. Deep Space Networks (DSNs):

  2. Laser Communication:

  3. Autonomous Data Compression:

7.6 Case Studies


7.6.2 Hayabusa2 (JAXA)

7.6.3 Dawn Mission (NASA)

7.7 Exercises and Discussion Questions

  1. Compare chemical propulsion and solar electric propulsion for asteroid missions. Which is better suited for resource mining missions and why?

  2. How does time delay affect navigation and communication in asteroid missions? Propose strategies to mitigate these challenges.

  3. Design a communication system for a mission targeting an asteroid in the outer solar system. What technologies would you prioritize and why?

Key Readings

  1. Brophy, J. R., et al. (2010). Advanced Propulsion Technologies for Deep Space Exploration.

  2. Lauretta, D. S., et al. (2018). The OSIRIS-REx Mission: Challenges and Innovations.

  3. Yoshikawa, M., et al. (2021). Navigation Techniques for Small Bodies: Lessons from Hayabusa and Hayabusa2.

This chapter highlights the complexities of propulsion, navigation, and communication in asteroid missions and discusses state-of-the-art solutions shaping the future of space exploration.